Monday, September 28, 2009

A Collective "Ahhh...."

WOW! What a beautiful day we're having here! It's sun-shiny & cool(er) with a wonderful breeze. It doesn't get much better than this! It makes me just give a happy, contented sigh. :) I woke up this afternoon still tired from a stressful night at work last night, and then I looked outside. Talk about a mood-lifter!! I immediately got ready and went out to run some errands. If I wasn't COMPLETELY out of food here, I would have just gone to the park. But, instead I enjoyed a leisurely drive around town as I picked up some essentials. When I got to the grocery store, I picked up a cup of coffee & a slice of pumpkin bread - another fall favorite! Speaking of, I think it's time to start the 'fall baking rituals' again. This weather makes me just want to bake all kinds of yummies!! I hope you are having a happy, fall Monday! =)

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