Saturday, June 09, 2007


This weekend is the "famous" Celebrate Fairfax Festival!! In case you've never heard of it, don't feel too badly. I'd never heard of it until this week. :) Anyways, Fairfax is a city and a county near here, and they apparently have a big festival every year. I decided to go see what all the excitement was about today. Being on a strange sleep schedule lately, I got up (for the second time today - woke up starving at 4AM, ate some breakfast, and went back to bed) - around 1PM and headed west to the mall where you park & catch a shuttle to the festival. After walking around for a few hours, I'm still not quite sure what we were "celebrating". But, I did get to hear some local bands (acoustic, jazz/blues, and rock), which I loved! I also got a free souvenir cup from the Fairfax Water Company with fresh, cold ice water. Very nice since it was a little warm in the sunlight. They also had the normal carnival food and rides I've come to expect at fairs. Ben & Jerry's had a booth, also, which made me very happy!! :) I had actually planned to stay for the big concert which featured Smashmouth, but my bladder had other plans. The only restrooms were port-a-potties, which I don't use on principle! So, I decided to leave early and catch the shuttle back to the mall. Thankfully, I had parked near the Macy's, so I could use a real, clean restroom and do some shopping. :) All in all, a very fun day!

1 comment:

Janna said...

Awww...Ben and Jerry's while outside so great!

You could have gone to the bathroom at Macy's still and shopped/pottied cooled off, then headed back to the festival and the shuttle.