Sunday, March 08, 2009

Celebration & Renewal

So, this morning's service was so amazing that I wanted to share it with you. It was unlike any other that I've been to. Today was "Baptism Sunday". Now, growing up, our church didn't just set aside one service for people to be baptised. Then again, we always had a built in baptistery. =) So, this morning, the entire service was a celebration of people who have chosen Jesus to lead their lives and wanted to make it public.

I go to a Bible church near here. In case you've never visited one, these churches (at least the one's I've visited) are based on the church in Acts. Meaning that a huge emphasis is placed on small community groups that meet during the week and then with other groups on Sunday for corporate worship. (this will be important later) They often have several pastors with one 'senior pastor', and they have an elder board to minister to both the congregation as well as to the pastors. This particular church has 'area pastors'. These men are pastors to specific areas in the community and all the small groups in that area. All this to say, your community/small groups become like a family.

For the past several weeks, our senior pastor has been preaching about ministering to the 'down & out' people of our community. (i.e. the homeless & destitute population) As a community of believers, we've read the book "Same Kind of Different as Me".

Don't worry, I'm not going to give you a book report or even a synopsis. I'm just going to say it's worth the read! I feel like I've had a big change in how I view the world around me. . . my own little renewal. On this note, please pray with me to know God's will about someone who I'll call "B-man". It's exciting to see God at work in a new way like I have over the past few weeks!

Back to this morning ...

After a time of worship, we watched a video of the people being baptised telling about their salvation experience. It was so personal - like family - getting to hear the background story. As the different people went into the water, the members of their family/community groups went up to the stage to be a part of this exciting day. There were cheers & tears of joy everywhere in the auditorium. What a blessing to get to be a part of this celebration Sunday. I don't feel like I'm able to adequately describe this morning, but it's the type of celebration I imagine the angels have each time someone accepts Christ - or at least as close as we can get to that as humans.

God is doing amazing things in this area!!


Melissa said...

Awesome! I love Baptism Sundays!

Janna said...

I loved this! I wanted to click the "like" tab. Baptisms are always my most favorite ritual in church. It only makes sense to have the loved ones stand. How wonderful that people see it as a time of worship! I would love to see that video idea done more...I want to see more saved as well.