Saturday, February 03, 2007

TONS 'o' Babies!

Well, orientation week is over - THANK GOD!! :) Actually, it wasn't that bad. Aside from getting lost in the hospital a few times (it covers several city blocks, so it's not as bad as it sounds), I had a great week. I met some really nice people. I think I'm going to like working here. I worked in one of the nurseries yesterday, so that was fun. I think the census in our unit, last I heard, was around 115!! That just amazes me, being surrounded by so many little miracles. :) Getting around in this area is SO MUCH EASIER than in DC! It's nice to not be lost most of the day when I need to run to the grocery store. I've also enjoyed living "in the mountains". It's kinda fun since I've never lived in an area like this. I plan to explore the area more this next week. Rumor has it that there's tons of good shopping all over the area! (fun for me - not so much for the bank account!!)

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