Monday, January 29, 2007

Birmingham . . .

After a busy but great two weeks back home visiting lots of friends & family, I've started my new assignment in Alabama. Birmingham has proven to not be as warm as I was hoping! :) This morning, as I left for work, it was 18 degrees outside!! Other than that, it's been great. I visited a wonderful church yesterday and met some very sweet people. The pastor is doing a series on the Names of Jesus, which I'm very excited to hear! Today was the first of two days of hospital orientation. It wasn't that bad, just a day full of "group work" tests. Tomorrow, we'll be learning their computer systems - yea. Then, I will finally get back to my babies at the end of the week!! I always forget how much I miss playing/working with them when I schedule the occasional but much needed break. I've attached a couple pictures of my apartment here. It's a nice place with a beautiful view out the back door. Who knew Alabama has mountains?!? I certainly didn't, and now I'm living among them. :) Go figure!

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