I know you've ALL been there - you get your laundry out of the dryer and one sock is missing. There's not much more frustrating because honestly, what good is one sock when you have two feet?!? Well, as I sit here folding laundry waiting for a phone call that I don't want to hear, I'm folding the laundry that I did the other day. (yep, it's been sitting in the dryer for 2 days) :-) For some reason, I decided I needed some new socks while I was playing in Target the other day. Who knows why . . . gotta love the random purchase! So, I emptied the package of comfy socks into the laundry that evening when I got home. Today, when I got through folding that load, one sock was missing! GRRR!!
I know this isn't a real problem; it's just a simple life frustration. I just felt like venting a little about it because I truly believe it's a common bond among the human population that wears socks and does laundry!! :-)
9 years ago
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