Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yeah, I realize it's Tuesday and not Sunday. Oh well. :~) If you're a mom and reading this, I hope you had a very relaxing day being celebrated. If you're not a mom, I hope you were able to honor and celebrate your mom in a special way. We had a busy and fun weekend . . . here goes:

Friday night, some of our good friends from Livingston, Danny & Bea, came up to spend the night so we could all go to their future daughter-in-law's college graduation on Saturday morning. It's always so much fun to be able to just sit and visit/swap stories with them! As an added treat, their youngest son, Kris, came in later that night! I hadn't seen him since Sean got back from Iraq last fall, so that was fun. Saturday morning, after a HUGE breakfast (thanks mom & dad!), we all got ready and went to TJC for Lindzi's graduation.


We went to early church Sunday morning, where we got to see baby dedications . . . my FAVORITE!! I love seeing the little ones all dressed up and their parents pledging to raise them in the Lord. After church, we went to my aunt's house in Forney to have our celebration with Granny (my mom's mom).

Don't they make a cute picture?!? We had a great time visiting with each other that afternoon while eating way too much food! Three of Granny's four children were able to come that afternoon, so we got a picture. (shocking, I know, that I'd have my camera poised and ready!)

By the way, congratulations, Jason, on your new job! I hope you're loving it!!

Finally, that night, we came home to celebrate my mom and let her open her cards & gifts. She's a great mom!! :~) I got her the latest book from our favorite author. And yes, there's a little ulterior motive in that gift . . . I get to borrow it when she's done!!

Amy and Ronnie were feeling under the weather, so they weren't able to join us on Sunday. But, they sent mom a gorgeous bouquet at work earlier during the week. It's still SO pretty sitting on our kitchen table.

Finally, that evening, we went out in Dad's wood shop and made Mom a birdhouse. Now, my mom is a bird lover . . . hence the bird bath and bird feeders. But, she's not a lover of the birds that try to build nests on our patios and then make poopy messes all over the concrete! :~) So, my dad got online and found the plans to build a house for this particular type of bird. We made it and finished painting it last night. (That's the real reason I'm late in getting this posted. I wanted a picture of the finished project - not just because I was being lazy yesterday.) :) Hopefully we'll get it up on a pole soon and get rid of the poop mess soon!!

Just a side note: I've had to delay my departure to Virginia for a while due to some health issues, but it's looking like I'll get out there after a few more weeks. YEA! That's why there've been no road trip posts recently. :~) On the plus side, being home longer has allowed me to celebrate mother's day at home and will give me the chance to spend my dad's birthday with him, too! I'll keep you posted . . . no pun intended! :~) [Go ahead and groan; it was a bad one!]

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