Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday

I hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday celebrating the freedom offered to us through Jesus' Resurrection! It was a perfect day for playing outside here in North Carolina!!

I visited a new church in a town near here that morning, and I LOVED it!! The pastor took a different approach to the Easter story . . . He started at the beginning in the Garden of Eden before sin entered. Then, he went to the next chapter where the 'fall of man' led to a downward spiral of humanity creating the huge need for a Savior. (enter Jesus) Our Savior came here to Earth to offer himself as a living sacrifice - once and for all time. This one act of His self-sacrifice changed the course of eternity and gave us the gift of freedom from eternal death through Him. Although I've heard and believed the Easter Story all my life, it was neat to hear it presented in this way.

When I got home that afternoon, I looked around at all the chores I needed to get done around here and decided to go play! I grabbed a quick lunch and headed straight for Durham . . . home of my favorite gardens. It was SO CROWDED there!! Granted, I usually go there during the week and not on a holiday, but I was surprised. I actually had to wait for a parking space. So much for my original idea. It was cute to see all the kids in their Easter outfits posing for pictures by all the pretty flowers. I really felt sorry for the ladies who thought they could make it in their high heels!! HELLO - there's not a smooth sidewalk here! It was such a gorgeous day, albeit a little more cold than I prefer. Some families even brought some eggs to hide in the grassy areas of the gardens.

Speaking of hunting eggs . . . my unit at work did something fun for us this past weekend. When I arrived at work Saturday morning, I saw a note posted to the door announcing that Easter eggs had been hidden all over the unit for us to find. Some had money, some had lunch vouchers, and some had chocolate candy! How fun! I found one with a Reese's peanut butter egg - YUM.

Anyways, back to Easter . . .

I got to spend several hours at the gardens that day. It was a great way to spend the day since I wasn't close enough to home to go to the fish fry at my Papa Art & Mamma Granny's house. I really wanted some coffee (more specifically, a Mint Condition from Caribou Coffee) to warm up after leaving Duke, so I decided I'd swing by the mall on my way home. Much to my surprise, it had closed early - or maybe not even opened since it was Easter. So instead, I met a friend of mine for dinner and then came back here to Greenville. I got home later than I had planned, which made for a "fun" Monday at work yesterday, but it was well worth it for the fun I had on Sunday.
So today it's back to the "chores" I left undone on Sunday. I'm working to get all packed (or as much as I can and still work 2 more days this week) before the weekend so I can play around here Saturday afternoon and Sunday before leaving for home.
As you might have guessed, I have another long road trip coming up this next week, so I'll try to post some pictures from my drive from the East Coast back to the Big D. Have a wonderful week!

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