Saturday, July 07, 2007

Silver Linings

I've always considered myself somewhat of an optimist. I can usually find the "silver lining" to a situation - a must some days in my job. :) Well, today I woke up a little irritated with life, and that makes it hard to find joy the in little things. On my way home from work this evening, after a bit of a rotten day, I was grumbling at God. Then, as He always does, He showed His love & faithfulness to me - tonight, in a literal Silver Lining! As I looked up to the sky, the sun was just behind a huge cloud. The entire top of the cloud was lit along the edge with rays shining up towards heaven. I wish my camera had been in the car with me so I could share the picture with you! Suffice it to say that it was BEAUTIFUL!! :) Talk about an attitude adjustment.

"But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,
slow to anger,
abounding in love and faithfulness."
-Psalm 86:15

1 comment:

Janna said...

We actually had this as a little side topic on Sunday. I never have an a good answer for being a person that generally feels the silver lining. Seems that usually when it is talked about, I don't feel that it really fits as a label for me. Then as you experienced, God does something to change that view. Even if it doesn't change your circumstance, it changes your focus. I'm glad that you got to see that in the car on the way home. I'm also glad that you didn't have a camera, but that makes it more special for God wanting Jenn to have that special memory.